About the Montessori Curriculum

About the Montessori Curriculum

The Montessori curriculum places a strong emphasis on practical life skills, such as self-care, basic care of the environment, and social skills. This is because the Montessori approach views these skills as essential for a child’s overall development and independence.

In a Montessori classroom, children are given opportunities to practice and develop practical life skills through hands-on activities and real-life experiences. For example, they might learn how to pour water from a pitcher into a glass, tie their shoes, or set the table for a meal.

Through these activities, children learn important life skills and develop a sense of order, concentration, and confidence.

Additionally, the Montessori approach encourages children to be independent and responsible for their own actions, which helps to develop their practical life skills even further. Enroll your child at Imani Montessori School today!

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