How to Build Your Child’s Language and Numeracy Skills

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How to Build Your Child’s Language and Numeracy Skills

If you want to develop your child’s language and numeracy skills the following are some of the ways you can achieve your goal:

Stories and Language

Stories can be told verbally, using books, or while drawing pictures on paper or in sand. Real reading starts with pretend reading. When your child watches and listens to you reading they will develop language skills more quickly. Try to spend 10-15 minutes reading with your child each day.

See if your child can tell a simple story back to you. Encourage your child to add to a story or say what will happen next Help your child recognize when words rhyme, such as cat and hat.


Children start to develop numeracy skills when they begin to learn about how much, how many, how big or small, how high or low, heavy or light, edges and surfaces, and the position or direction of things. Encourage your child to notice and count things when you are out and about.

Read, tell stories, sing songs and recite poems about numbers and counting with your child. Encourage your child to help you measure and share out things.

Contact us to learn more about how to grow your child’s skills!

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